- A - Lawyers in locations with A
- B - Lawyers in locations with B
- C - Lawyers in locations with C
- D - Lawyers in locations with D
- E - Lawyers in locations with E
- F - Lawyers in locations with F
- G - Lawyers in locations with G
- H - Lawyers in locations with H
- I - Lawyers in locations with I
- J - Lawyers in locations with J
- K - Lawyers in locations with K
- L - Lawyers in locations with L
- M - Lawyers in locations with M
- N - Lawyers in locations with N
- O - Lawyers in locations with O
- P - Lawyers in locations with P
- Q - Lawyers in locations with Q
- R - Lawyers in locations with R
- S - Lawyers in locations with S
- T - Lawyers in locations with T
- U - Lawyers in locations with U
- V - Lawyers in locations with V
- W - Lawyers in locations with W
- X - Lawyers in locations with X
- Y - Lawyers in locations with Y
- Z - Lawyers in locations with Z
Lawyers by locality
- Madiswil
- Madulain
- Magden
- Mägenwil
- Maggia
- Magliaso
- Maienfeld
- Maisprach
- Maladers
- Malans
- Malters
- Mammern
- Mandach
- Männedorf
- Manno
- Maracon
- Marbach
- Marchissy
- Marly
- Marmorera
- Maroggia
- Marsens
- Märstetten
- Marthalen
- Martigny
- Martigny-Combe
- Maschwanden
- Masein
- Massagno
- Massongex
- Massonnens
- Mathod
- Mathon
- Matran
- Mattstetten
- Matzendorf
- Matzingen
- Mauborget
- Mauensee
- Maur
- Mauraz
- Medel
- Meggen
- Meienried
- Meierskappel
- Meikirch
- Meilen
- Meinier
- Meinisberg
- Meiringen
- Meisterschwanden
- Melano
- Melchnau
- Melide
- Mellikon
- Mellingen
- Mels
- Meltingen
- Mendrisio
- Ménières
- Menziken
- Menzingen
- Menznau
- Merenschwand
- Mergoscia
- Merishausen
- Mervelier
- Merzligen
- Mesocco
- Messen
- Mettauertal
- Mettembert
- Mettmenstetten
- Mex
- Meyriez
- Meyrin
- Mézières
- Mézières
- Mezzovico-Vira
- Miège
- Mies
- Miglieglia
- Milvignes
- Minusio
- Mirchel
- Misery-Courtion
- Missy
- Möhlin
- Moiry
- Moleno
- Mollens
- Mollens
- Molondin
- Mönchaltorf
- Mont-la-Ville
- Mont-Noble
- Mont-sur-Rolle
- Mont-Tramelan
- Montagny
- Montalchez
- Montana
- Montanaire
- Montcherand
- Monte Carasso
- Monteceneri
- Monteggio
- Montet
- Montfaucon
- Mönthal
- Montherod
- Monthey
- Montilliez
- Montpreveyres
- Montreux
- Montreux
- Montricher
- Moosleerau
- Moosseedorf
- Morbio Inferiore
- Morcote
- Mörel-Filet
- Morens
- Morges
- Mörigen
- Möriken-Wildegg
- Morlon
- Morrens
- Morschach
- Mörschwil
- Mosnang
- Mosogno
- Mötschwil
- Moudon
- Moutier
- Movelier
- Muhen
- Mühlau
- Mühleberg
- Mühledorf
- Mühlethurnen
- Mulegns
- Müllheim
- Mülligen
- Mumpf
- Münchenbuchsee
- Münchenstein
- Münchenwiler
- Münchwilen
- Münchwilen
- Mundaun
- Münsingen
- Münsterlingen
- Muntelier
- Müntschemier
- Muolen
- Muotathal
- Muralto
- Murgenthal
- Muri
- Muri Bei Bern
- Muri Bei Bern
- Muriaux
- Murist
- Murten
- Mutrux
- Mutten
- Muttenz
- Muzzano